Putt Putt Joins The Circus Download

Putt-Putt Joins the Circus Digital Download Price Comparison. Find all Steam game Codes store prices to download and play Putt-Putt Joins the Circus at the best price. Compare prices for Game Code stores. Download Putt-Putt Joins the Circus FULL speed for free via the Steam network. Putt-Putt Joins the Circus really is a superb offering for younger gamers looking to have fun and learn at the same time. It's instantly appealing thanks to the superb visuals which are bright, colorful and absolutely brimming with personality, thanks to the utterly splendid environmental and character design.

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Humongous Entertainment2000
Putt Putt Joins The Circus Download
  • Digital Download (5)
  • Classic Box (2)
There are 5 shops proposing this game for download at an average price of $ 6.99.
There are 2 classic boxed games available for sale. Check shipping price and condition directly on shop page.

Roll up!

One of the later entries in the classic Putt-Putt series of kids games, this is also one of the best offering in the franchise, making it an excellent choice for fans and newcomers alike. You've got the usual high production values, charming characters and fun gameplay which make this an absolute treat. The idea here is that the circus has arrived in town and the owner has asked our hero Putt-Putt to get five acts ready for eager audiences. This translates into a junior adventure where you'll have to explore the various parts of the circus, talking to the many characters and discovering what each act's problem is. You'll then need to seek out certain objects in order to solve their woes and help them prepare for the big show. There are more than 40 locations to explore along with a multitude of characters, while there are also several mini-games to play and which further help to develop younger players' skills in areas like memory. Putt-Putt Joins the Circus really is a superb offering for younger gamers looking to have fun and learn at the same time. It's instantly appealing thanks to the superb visuals which are bright, colorful and absolutely brimming with personality, thanks to the utterly splendid environmental and character design. The adventure portion of the game is both entertaining and educational, proving genuinely useful in developing skills. The mini-games are just as much fun, due to their variety and the way they're implemented into the main game, so overall, this needs to be in any kids' collection.

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Putt Putt Joins The Circus Free Download

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